Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I'm back!

4:39, .22 mile warm up
25:48, 1.83 miles run
4:33, .23 mile cool down walk

I'm back!  While my finger is still healing, its far enough that I can embrace sweat again!  (In all fairness, I actually attempted a run on Sunday, but I sucked and gave up so not validating it with a blog)

It was an amazing morning to run, and even more amazing that I was running in the morning!  I can't remember getting up to run since I was on vacation in May.  I have intended to get up early to work out, I have even set my alarm for 4:30 or 6 a few times, but I just always seem to be able to find reason to stay in bed a while longer.  With the Oklahoma summer, any delay past sunrise quickly makes you regret not running when it was less brutally hot.

This morning was perfect.  The sky was just pinkening when I set out.  I needed a fresh start so I decided to just run and see where my feet took me.  Taking a new and unplanned route was just what I needed and I was freed to run without expectation.  The streets I explored where quiet, the houses still asleep.  Across the railroad tracks I could see the mechanics shop just turning on their lights.  Only the dogs greeted me, dutifully barking at me as I ran past.

I ran slow, but steady, my muscles just slightly sore but not painful. What a relief to get in a good run.  It was the perfect way to start my day and put me in the best mood for hours.

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