Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Boosting morale through self-discipline

5:30, .26 mile warm up walk
26:23, 1.98 mile run
6:03, .29 mile cool down walk

Today was a rough day. I had two employees out sick, was greeted by a massive jam, and I managed to hit my head on the machinery while trying to get caught up on the backlog of work.  I don't know what I would have done without the support, help and encouragement of my fantastic coworkers, but by the end of the day I was spent.

I became more and more fussy as the evening wore on, just dissatisfied, but without a real clear focus to this ill content.  Finally I had enough of my bad attitude and made myself put on my running gear and head out the door.  I knew with this kind of mood I needed a change of scenery, and a path that would not allow me to cut thing short when it got uncomfortable, so I struck out on a new loop.

My goal tonight was not a particular speed or distance, but rather to run until I could come home happy.  I met that goal.  But now I smell almost as bad as my attitude stank earlier, so time for a bath!

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