Sunday, November 11, 2012

Kilts mean no complaining

30:51, 2.32 mile run
4:11, .22 mile cool down

We have a rule at our house: no complaining allowed when you wear a kilt.  That's why I decided to wear my Sportkilt for my run today. 

As I was about to get dressed to go running, I suddenly started hurting. I was so frustrated because the last 2 days had been too full to work out, and I had made some less than healthy dietary choices leaving me feeling sluggish and large.  Well, forget that!  I only had a small window in which I could exercise today and I wasn't going to let pain stop me! The only choice left was to run anyways, so I put on the kilt because that means no quitting, no complaining.  Given the conditions I found outside, its good that I did.

I walked out on the porch and turned right back around to change into my cold wear top.  The news channel's weather page claimed it was 50 degrees, but just down the street the sign said 41.  I'm pretty sure the sign was right.  It was also very windy, and for about half of the run I was going into such a strong cold headwind that my eyes kept tearing up. 

It was a painful and uncomfortable run.  But I kept finding myself thinking about what I was doing on November 11, 2011.  That was the first day of my training for my first marathon.  I thought about all those cold runs.  About the emotional pain I worked through on those nightly runs (I was running to raise $ for cancer research in memory of my uncle we had lost that summer).  I thought about how huge it had all felt, how impossibly long those longer training runs with the Team had seemed.  I thought about the part of the race where it felt like I could go no further, where each step became a painful challenge of its own.

Today was a hard run, but I have had much, much harder, colder, longer runs than this.  And I don't quit, especially when I am wearing a kilt.

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