Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Crosstraining 1:42- kayaking and biking

Kayaking 50 minutes, from Lincoln to Robinson and back
Biking 8 miles, 52:01

I had a great morning.  Last night I had decided that I REALLY wanted to go kayaking today, so that's just what I did.  I drove up to OKC and rented a kayak for an hour ($12).  It was warm and a little windy, and while that area is calm and scenically boring, it was just perfect!  I enjoy the motion of kayaking, and while it is demanding, I find that it is more sustainable than using the rowing machine, or even running.  And it was peaceful.  I will definitely have to take advantage of OKC Riversport again,  because exercise is so much easier when you are enjoying the activity and when you have scenery to keep your mind active.

Seth and I had a nice lunch on the patio at Chelino's, and then headed back home.  I needed to go check on some equipment at work, and I was feeling so enthusiastic from kayaking, that I decided I should ride my bike to work!  On the 4th of July!  At noon!! Thankfully it was only 95 degrees and there was a breeze, but my body did let me know that this was not the best decision.  I feel that I should also explain what my biking experience is like.  I ride a "cruiser" style bike.  You know, the kind with a basket, bell, and only one gear.  And streamers on the handlebars of course.  I always wear a helmet, and I recently acquired a Camelbak (primarily use it for running), but that is the end of my specialized biking gear.  And while motorist may not have realized it, there are several impressive hills between my house and work.  It was a good ride in that it was challenging, but of course I hated it, just like I do every time I think riding to work would be a good idea.  But I saved a few drops of gas and burned an extra 330 calories!

Oh, and I weighed 173.3 this morning!!! So nice to see it go the other direction again.

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