Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Treading water and real life

14:47, 500 yard swim
7:29 treading water

Battle plans rarely survive the first contact with the enemy.  Or in this case, fitness plans rarely survive a skirmish with real life, especially for parents.

I took Sunday off as a rest day, especially since my back, calf and arms were sore from moving a ridiculously large book shelf on Saturday.  I had reached my goals last week, and intended to enjoy one day of rest.

Monday my plan was to get up at 6 AM and go for an early morning run before work.  6 AM came earlier than I thought, so I decided an evening run made more sense.

But then I had so much fun and got so busy when my kids came home from their almost 3 weeks at Grammy's house, that I just wanted to sit and read a bit once they went to bed.  Of course a little bit quickly turned into 2 AM...  So once you cut through the excuses, the moral of the story is: I did not work out yesterday.

So today's grand plan: go to the gym around 8 in the morning (since I'm working a late shift at work), let the kids play in nursery while I got in a good running and lifting workout, then all of us go swimming for some more exercise time.

What actually happened: Me and kid #2 slept in later than I thought (my 2 AM reading binge is to blame), so we only had time to swim. So I did my 500 yards worth of laps and was going to do 30 minutes of treading, but there were so many swimming lessons and water aerobics going on that there was not much room for the kids to play so I called it quits early.  Hopefully I can hit the gym or go for a run after work to help make up for it.

While it can be frustrating not being able to completely control when and how you workout, its important to just keep moving when life tries to get in the way.

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