Thursday, July 12, 2012

Running in place and exercise brain

30:00, 2.1 miles treadmill
24:00, 3 sets leg machines

I had planned on joining a fun, outside group run tonight, had been looking forward to it all week. Then I got to work and looked at my department's schedule and realized that I had scheduled myself for a split shift. So change of plans.

I knew that work was going to wipe me out today, and frankly I am a little tired of 9-10pm workouts, so my only viable option was to exercise this afternoon on my break between shifts. I also had to drive up to the city to pick up my race packet, and because the line was out the door everything took longer. I really wanted a nap when I got back to the house, but I changed into my workout clothes, packed my work clothes in my gym bag and went anyways. (Hooray for small victories over nappiness!)

Because I was stressed and I don't want to run on wiped out legs Saturday, I tried to maintain a reasonable pace on the treadmill. I generally hate treadmills and feel that they steal a little peace of your soul, but on a hot July afternoon, it was the lesser of two tortures.

I did the leg machines after I ran, and for having just run it wasn't too bad. Normally I just do 2 sets, but today I decided to do 3! Gasp! I can tell that I am getting stronger now and these work outs are getting a little easier, even though I was working with glutes that were still sore from 2 days ago. Depending on how my next work out goes, it may be time to up the weights a little.

Took a quick shower at the gym and then headed straight to work, munching on a Cliff bar as I drove.  I ended up with a small case of exercise brain and caught myself making a mistake at work, so I walked away, drank a little water and ate a little snack.  All better!

Here is what I am doing this weekend! Being a grown up can be a drag, so it's time to celebrate playtime!

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