Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Squeezing every last drop out of the day

18:00 elliptical
20:00 leg machines, 3 sets

Today was one of those days where I try to save the world, rushing around at super speeds.  My body is  reminding me I am a mere mortal.

My day started with stiff shoulders, compliments of yesterday's fine workout, and a 7:50 AM appointment to donate platelets.  After donating I came home and showered then ate an amazing lunch of lamb kabobs, prepared by my marvelous husband!  I am so spoiled, I know.

Then off to work for 8 hours of fun, including an almost 3 hour meeting.  I honestly enjoy my job and my coworkers, and I enjoy these meetings except for the sitting still part.  I feel so self conscious trying to make my body stay still for that long, especially on days when I have DOMS (delayed onset muscles soreness).  Maybe I could ask my boss if I could bring in a stability ball to sit on.... but then I would probably do an even worse job of sitting still!

When we closed up and got out of work just after 9, I rushed to the gym as fast as I could!  My throat is itchy tonight (which usually means I have been overdoing it and need to rest or risk getting sick) and I was short on time so I did just 18 minutes on the elliptical.  It wasn't too bad, and I watched some stupid reality TV to distract myself, so it flew by.

Then off to the leg machines!  Usually I try to do these slowish, holding at full extension for most effectiveness, but tonight I was pushing it to get done in time.  In fact, they started flashing the lights and announced that the gym was closed right as I finish the last rep of my last set of my last machine.  I felt bad for being the last one out, but at least I did what I set out to accomplish.

I am thinking that I may listen to my body tomorrow, and if this itchy throat is still there in the morning I will declare a rest day from exercise, call in sick to work, and of course call and let the blood bank know that my donation may not be safe because I am sick.  I really hate being sick though, so I'm hoping a good night's sleep is all I need to rest my super power delusions.

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