Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The habit I don't want to break

174.4 (Seriously, this is the longest the scale has stayed in one place!)
30 minutes elliptical
26 minutes: 3 sets leg machines, 30 situps on stability ball w/medicine ball, ab and back extension machines

A friend lost her father this morning and a cloud seemed to hang over the day.  I was exhausted by the time I got home, and so glad just to hug my family.  After we sat down for dinner together, I felt like curling up and falling asleep, even though it was only 6:30.

If I only worked out when it felt good or on days when I "feel like it,"  I would still weigh 200 pounds and be miserable with my life. 

My friend Blake once asked me how I find the motivation to get off the couch and run or workout.  I told him it takes a certain amount of self-loathing!  And at times it has.  Other times it was because of the commitment I made to Team in Training and those fighting for their lives.  Some days you just have to say "I want this (whatever your goal may be) more than I want sleep (or a latte, or a warm couch on a rainy night, or whatever is calling your name at the moment)!"  But tonight, I found the motivation to put my shoes on because this has become my habit.  What a good place to have reached in my life.

I was tired and soul weary, but I worked out and tried to give it my best.  And I did pretty well.  I did have to cut out the leg press machine because when I tried it tonight it just didn't feel quite right, so in deference to Monday's bum bum I did the sensible thing and walked away.

And you know what?  I walked out of that gym smiling.  Sure, I was sweaty, and I may hurt in the morning, but I felt much better after my workout than I had all day.  And that is why this has become my habit.

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