Friday, July 13, 2012

Dancing my booty off

50:00 dancing

I almost feel like this shouldn't count because it was so much fun.  Our library hosted a Kid's Dance Party exercise program tonight and I took my daughter.  It was a blast to dance with her.  We didn't dance the whole 50 minutes, and it wasn't nearly the intensity of a Zumba class, but it was fantastic.

One of my goals I set when I had that quarterlife crisis back in 2009 was this: that my kids wouldn't need to lose 75 pounds when they were 25.  Or ever for that matter!  I am trying hard to set a good example for my daughters, and to establish habits and a culture so that  they can have healthy body images and a love of play.

Really, exercise should be fun.  When we are kids its hard to keep us from running, jumping, climbing, spinning around in circles and generally exploding with kinetic energy in every direction.  What kind of sad thing happens to us that we become so still and slow? 

So I try to play: kayaking, mud/obstacle races, color runs, and trail running.  My kids see this and want to play too.  When they grow up I hope they are sitting at the dinner table after a date and beg their boyfriend to take them rollerblading next.  Or bicycling. Or even just for a walk in the park! When they think of recreation and leisure, I want it to be active.  So far it looks like its working.

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